New Image Format: 1:1 Image Ads

Facebook took steps in the right direction for mobile first design by releasing 1:1 square image link ads. The traditional method of static link ads, i.e. ads formats that link off to an external site; have always been 1:1.91. While they do look great desktop, the mobile news feed is a completely different beast. It is awesome that Facebooks new image format caters to the mobile user.

Implementing the Ad Format
The process of creating the new 1:1 linked ad hasn’t changed. All that is different is when you upload your image to Facebook, make sure the dimensions are 1:1. You will be given the option to crop to a square format. If adjusted correctly, you have now successfully made a 1:1 image that is going to look far superior in your intended audience’s news-feed.
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Be aware that as of now, the square size will only appear if the user has the most recent version of the Facebook app on their mobile device. Therefore, the image will display differently if the users are on the older version.

Due to the fact that this feature is brand new, this is a perfect opportunity for you to collect data on which format works best for you. Test both 1:1 and 1:1.91 campaigns and observe which is driving better results.
Facebook's Image with Link Recommendations
- Image ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
- Recommended resolution: at least 1080 x 1080p
- Headline: 25 characters
- Link Description: 30 characters
Facebook's Video and Image Specification for Placement
So far, there is an electric buzz of excitement among users regarding the new image format. As a result, Facebook is encouraging its users to experiment with the update. With mobile views increasing, would you be surprised if this becomes the main format for link click ads?
Happy Hunting 🙂
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