Landing Page 101: Conversion Elements

You might be wondering why having an effective, high-converting landing page is important. You could potentially have some of the best advertising in the world. However, it will never convert if you don't have an amazing landing page. On the other hand, you could have some mediocre advertising that could actually make you some decent money because it leads you to a successful, converting landing page. Knowing the importance of having a good landing page, here are 6 elements to improve your landing page.

Social Proof
Social Proof is an influence on a psychological and social level. It is driven by the assumption that because a lot of people believe in it, then it must be correct. Visitors are more likely to trust the opinions of customers than what the brand has to say about itself. Include customer reviews and testimonials, or feature a story of someone who used your product. One tactic that is known to boost conversion with social proof is having the ability to include photos with reviews.
Show How Your Product Works
Your landing page should be clear on exactly how your product works. Including videos can help with this one. In addition, using GIF's for product photos is a great way to demonstrate how a product looks and works without sound. Check out an example of that here. If a visitor is unsure of how a product works, they are unlikely to follow through with a purchase.
Have a Stellar Offer
Your offer needs to be so good that people just can't say no to it. Having a strong, persuasive offer will solve a lot of the issues you have with your landing page not converting. Your offer will vary depending on your industry but everyone's goal remains constant. Convert website visitors into customers. So have a stellar offer that stacks value and convinces customers to purchase.
Create a Sense of Urgency
There have been recent studies that proved that a human's attention span is now shorter than a goldfish. Knowing this, it is imperative that you create a sense of urgency on your landing page to hold the attention of your visitors. A good way to urge people to check out is to include a countdown timer. This won't work for evergreen offers but you could also countdown to sales, events, holidays, etc. Another option is to include a number of products left pop up. For example, "Only 5 left!".

Guarantee their Satisfaction
Visitors need to feel confident purchasing from your company. Having an open and flexible refund/return policy can greatly benefit your conversions. You may be hesitant to put a money-back guarantee on your site in fear that people will request refunds without probable cause. However, odds are you would refund an unhappy customer anyways to better the customer experience and avoid negative feedback. This guarantee just gives the customer that extra confidence boost to follow through with the purchase.
Include Trust Builders
Let your website visitors know you're legit. Include things like a mailing address, phone number, trust badges, accepted payment methods, social channels, etc. Visitors will be more apt to purchase from you after seeing these small elements that build trust.
Rock Your Landing Page!
Leverage these elements to create an awesome landing page. Website visitors will trust you, feel confident purchasing, and will feel urged to follow through with the purchase. What works best for your landing page? Comment on the post and let us know. Thank you to Dimitri Nikolakakis for this referenced post. Want to see more like this? Click here to join today!
Happy Hunting!