Key Performance Indicators: Metrics To Know Part 1

There are a lot of performance metrics when analyzing your Facebook ads. If you are just starting you may be overwhelmed by all of the metrics and their meanings. We put together a series of articles that cover a few metrics in depth to give you better insight into these key performance indicators.
Access these metrics by selecting the “Performance and Clicks” option from the drop-down menu within your Ads Manager.
CTR (Link Click-Through Rate)
Within your key performance indicators are a few different types of click-through rates. Link Clicks are any clicks on ads that lead to destinations on or off Facebook.
Pro Tip: Compare your link clicks to landing page views to see how often people reached your landing page from your ad. If there is a big drop off it may indicate that your landing page has a slow load time.
This metric provides the percentage of people that saw your ad and performed a link click. These destinations may be off or on Facebook. See below for link click destination examples:
- Websites
- App stores
- Click to call
- Click to message
- Maps/directions
- Facebook Canvas
- Facebook lead forms
- Facebook Marketplace
- Videos hosted by another website
CTR (All)
CTR (all) is the percentage of users that viewed your ad and performed a click. CTR (all) includes link clicks and also clicks that lead to destinations not tracked by link clicks such as:
- Clicks to the associated business Page profile or profile picture
- Post reactions (such as likes or loves)
- Comments or shares
- Clicks to expand media (such as photos) to full screen
- Clicks to take actions identified as your campaign objective (such as liking your Page for a Page engagement campaign)
Tips To Increase Click-Through Rates
If you are directing traffic to a landing page you need to ensure it is optimized. Optimized meaning your page needs to have a fast load time. If a user has to wait for your landing to load for a long period of time you will never get their business.
Facebook also has become strict on landing pages. If your load time is not up to par your ad will not be prioritized and you will be throwing money down the drain.
See below for a few tips to optimize your landing pages.
- Compress images
- K.I.S.S (keep it simple silly): keep your landing simple and clean. The more pictures and graphics the longer the load time may be. Grab the users attention with compelling copy, image or video, offer a solution to a problem and keep the message clear and concise with a strong call to action.
- Check Landing Page Load Time: You can use websites such as Pingdom to check your website or landing speed for free.
What are some things you do to keep your CTR rates up to standard? Comment below and let us know.
Stay tuned for our next article in our KPI series! Until then, Happy Hunting!