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Instagram Hashtags: What You Need to Know

Tim Burd author profile image
Learn how to properly use Instagram hashtags for your business.
Learn how to properly use Instagram hashtags for your business.

Hashtags are everywhere these days. As a marketer, you cannot ignore them. But understanding how to properly implement these tagged topics will benefit your business.

Why Are Hashtags Important

Hashtags are essentially Instagram’s sorting process. There are around 95 million photos posted on Instagram daily. As a result, it is difficult to efficiently deliver the right content to the right individuals. Hashtags help your content be viewed by users most interested in seeing it. They also are a great search and sort tool. Users can easily identify the content that's most important to them.

Using the right hashtags shows that you're in tune with current trends. Therefore, allowing you to take part in the conversations that matter to your customers and your audience. Hashtags help you connect with individuals with shared interests. Also, hashtags work for monitoring your brand and promoting brand awareness.

Best Practices for Using Instagram Hashtags

#1 Do Your Research

Research is a key step to successfully using Instagram hashtags for your business.
Doing research on your hashtags is very important.

Research is key! Having a good idea of which hashtags you should use will save you time and effort. Consider the following when doing your research:

  • Market Research: Who are you selling or promoting to? Solve your customer's pain points.
  • Competitor Research: See what your competition is doing. They might have some good strategies you can implement for yourself.
  • Hashtag Research Tools: There are so many resources out there. Find a couple tools that you like using. Let technology be your friend.

Click Here to Check out the Hashtag Expert App

#2 Create Branded Hashtags & Constantly Share It

Branded hashtags help establish brand awareness and are an important part of contests and user-generated content campaigns. It’s an excellent way to get users to find feeds of content created by and about you. Branded hashtags should be unique to your business. Therefore, include the name of your brand, or be relevant to your business or campaign.

#3 Keep Organized

Over time, you'll see relationships between certain hashtags and your most popular posts. This will help you decide which hashtags work best for your brand. Figure out the magic number that works for you, and continue to mix up which hashtags you are using. With the exception of your branded hashtags.

#4 Use Trending Hashtags

Trending Hashtags will make you more relevant to your audience. But be sure the trending topic you choose is relevant to your brand. If you cannot integrate a topic into your brand identity then don't use it.

Check out the list of the top 10 Instagram hashtags of 2018.
Check out the list of the top 10 Instagram hashtags of 2018.
Check out the top trending hashtags on Instagram in 2018
More trending hashtag options.

#5 Use Hashtags In Multiple Spots

Use the hashtag sticker to include branded hashtags in your stories. This will lead to generating brand awareness. Add your branded hashtags to your profile bio. As long as you add the # sign in front of the text it will become a clickable hashtag.

Learn more about Instagram Story Ads here

That's All For Today

Hashtags are an important part of Instagram marketing. You need to know how to use them correctly. Apply these practices to get the most out using hashtags on Instagram for your business. We would love to hear your thoughts and comments on how you use hashtags for your business or brand!

Happy Hunting!

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About Tim Burd

Tim Burd is a public speaker, consultant, and serial entrepreneur who’s been called the “Godfather of Facebook Advertising” for his many years of supporting and empowering digital marketers.

Tim’s Facebook Ad Buyers Group is the largest community of online advertisers in the world. He is the co-founder of AdLeaks, an exclusive subscription-based community, and resource for digital marketing and business growth.

In addition to hosting Mastermind workshops and events, Tim has been featured on publications and platforms ranging from Forbes and Bloomberg to Buzzfeed and Bravo.

Tim Burd lives in Newport Beach, California, and works with clients worldwide as a high-end advertising consultant and business development expert.
