How Your Business Page Impacts Conversion Cost – Knowledge Bomb #10

Did you know that the content you post on your Facebook Business Page can have a major impact on your ad delivery?
It’s true! Facebook has said repeatedly that one of its major goals in the coming years is to eliminate content from the News Feeds that could give users a negative experience.
And that trend has continued with the release of post reactions which allow users to provide Facebook with a more direct response to a particular piece of content.
Things that could prompt people to give a negative reaction, or report your post are things like: fake news, misleading copy, bad links, and even some controversial topics, just to name a few.
As a business, it is usually a good idea to avoid these things so your page ranking is not negatively affected. These negative interactions can not only lead to underperforming ads, but they can also put your page on Facebook's radar and could be setting you up for an account suspension.
Even if you have a relatively low amount of negative interactions, if your page consists of only ads or a majority of ads only, you are losing a lot of money.
What real business do you know of only posts ads on its page? NONE.
You need to post positive and engaging content on your business page without links to increase your overall page engagement score. Think inspirational quotes, memes, information, articles etc. Content that will resonate with your audience and increase engagement.
Now, some of you may be wondering: How do I know if my content is negatively affecting my ads?
Well, the answer is simple. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR POST INSIGHTS!
Business Page Post Insights:

The first thing you want to dig into is your Post Insights and figure out how your followers are interacting with your content. From here you are able to see how many people are engaging with your post and how they are reacting.
Once you have identified which posts are performing the best, you could start replicating and scheduling.
We recommend you post relevant content on your Business Page at least 3 times per week. We also suggest checking the results of those posts at least once per week so you can adjust the content accordingly.
The fact of the matter is, the more you deliver relevant posts to your audience, the higher your page will rank on Facebook and in turn, your ad costs will likely decrease.
We have seen posting engaging content to the business page can decrease the cost per conversion on your ads by 25% or more. Of course, this will vary by what kind of content you post, how much you are posting already (if any), and many more factors, but it certainly will not hurt.
Business Page Pro Tips:
- Boost posts that are already doing well with your audience to further increase the post reactions. By showing these ads to audiences similar to your page followers, there is a good chance they will also react positively to your content, further increasing your page ranking.
- Since page posts are public, so are the types of reactions those posts are receiving. So, cruise on over to your competitor’s page and browse their feed. If you find a post that has a ton of positive reactions, chances are it can work well for your audience too! This is a great way to find tactics that work and try them out on your followers.
By analyzing your post performance (and your competitors) you can start to figure out what’s working and what’s not. And, in turn, drastically reduce the cost of your ad performance. It is always best to make sure you are delivering content that your people want to see to avoid any negative feedback.
And by watching your competitors, analyzing your data, and staying consistent with good content, Facebook will start to give you priority over those who are putting out content that is being reported or has negative reactions.
Well, that’s all for now folks. Stay tuned for more Knowledge Bombs coming soon!
And, as always, please feel free to share with your family & friends.