Get Hyped for Instagram’s new AR Ads Coming Soon

Instagram may have started out as a simple platform for sharing and liking the photos of your friends and colleagues, but their ambition is taking them in many directions. They are getting further and further into eCommerce, and as an advertiser, this has been awesome.
Instagram is constantly providing us with more advanced ad options. This, in turn, provides us with new ways to maximize our user engagement and response. Their newest functionality is pretty exciting. Instagram has launched a small test batch of Augmented Reality (AR) ads that allow users to “try on” a product.

Who can use them
This active engagement can show off a product in virtual reality to a customer, demoing how it would look on them.
Recently, a select few sellers are able to flaunt their products directly on Instagram through AR. As of right now, it is only available to a handful of makeup and eyewear brands. The plan, however, is to eventually roll it out for more and more products and brands over time.
Watch for an upcoming increase in AR content from some of the more popular accounts. Facebook rolled out this feature for Celebrity and big-name accounts first. You can surely expect a similar introduction to Instagram! Keep an eye out on Instagram stories. That is the main avenue for AR experiences at the moment.

AR ads Details
Basically, this cool new feature is just an extension of Facebook’s version of AR ads that came out selectively last year.
Instagram’s version is also built on Facebook’s Spark AR platform. If you haven’t heard much about Spark AR, it is definitely worth checking out!
Spark AR is a set of developer tools that enables your Facebook camera to do all sorts of crazy things. Animations, creative effects, masks, etc. all come to life inside Spark. While it was originally intended just for Facebook, they have expanded it to Instagram as well. This is a common trend for Facebook. They seem to be narrowing the gap between what is considered Facebook versus Instagram. The version of Spark for Instagram is a bit fancier looking. They made it look more refined and sleek to match the overall aesthetic of this platform.
We tend to get excited over every change coming to Instagram, whether it’s big or small. This platform, in particular, has a great set of visual tools at our disposal.
The complexity of AR ads will most likely require a specific set of knowledge in order to have success. Don’t let this intimidate you. Surely you can imagine how popular these new types of ads will be in our technology-dominated future. Every new feature is a new opportunity to expand your Instagram ad potential. As Instagram continues to evolve and adapt, tools like AR ads will surely boost its offerings.
Already, Youtube is testing a similar concept. In this constant competition, the platform that is most innovative tends to win. We expect Instagram to provide us with simple and easy to use creation options as time moves forward. AR ads could very well be widely accessible to everyone, and we think that is amazing and exciting!
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