Four Ways to Improve Your Google Quality Score

So, you’ve got a good grasp on Google Ad Quality Score? That’s okay if not, don’t be shy; just check out this article first. If yes, let’s use this new knowledge to get your ads the placement they deserve, and the lowest cost per click possible.

Take a good look at your keywords
The thing about Google is that you need your keywords to be encompassing enough to be found, but not too nonspecific so you’re lost in a sea of similar ads. There’s somewhat of a sweet spot in the middle where your ad will get the most visibility. Another great way to make sure your ad is living in that sweet spot is to include variants. Variants may be misspellings, plural forms, or abbreviations. Sometimes, you can even change the order of the words when they have the same meaning (for example, [dallas real estate] and [real estate dallas]).
How’s your landing page?
Remember that one of the three factors in Quality Score is your Landing Page. This is because QS was made with user experience in mind, and your landing page is a massive part of the user’s experience. Google is making sure that customers can navigate easily, and that your landing page loads fast enough for today’s Google user. Up to 70% of web traffic happens on mobile devices now, so if your mobile landing page isn’t up to par, there’s a good chance you’ll be pushed to the bottom in the next auction.
Restructure your ads for MAX Relevancy
Google encourages you to use ad groups to organize your ads by a common theme. They recommend separating ad groups into the different product or service types you offer. Grouping ads by the target audience, keyword, and other factors improve the relevancy of the ad.
Google defines ad relevancy as to how closely related the keyword is to your ads, so again, there is a ‘goldilocks spot’ within this where you can get it just right. When your ads are grouped by themes, it increases the chances of them being considered relevant by Google, which increases your overall QS. As with everything, test, and experiment until you learn what is just right for your ads.
Stay on top of your QS and keep improving
Quality Scores have a tendency to change very slowly. While Google monitors closely and updates in real-time in search auctions, Google doesn’t want its advertisers playing a game of Whack-a-Mole, where you’re improving one area but letting others slip. A balanced approach is the surest way to keep improving your scores (or at least stop them from slipping) over a larger period of time. Don’t fall into the old trap of thinking you’re doing well when in reality, your ads are starting to suffer. A best practice is to get yourself on a regular schedule to review your ads. Utilize your calendar to help remind yourself!
Armed with this information, you’re ready to set yourself up with some truly glowing Quality Scores. The most important thing of all is to continue improving your ads and stay up to date on all the information you need to beat out the competition. In an intense industry that’s always growing and changing, learning (like you have from this article) gives you the finely honed edge to stay on top! Keep it up!

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