Facebook's New Tools for Brands and Public Figures

One of the most powerful aspects of Facebook is its ability to allow public figures to interact with their audiences.
Whether you're an author, artist, band, journalist, or sports team, Facebook gives you the unique opportunity to instantly connect and share meaningful content.
A few months ago, Facebook announced a few different important updates that may have gone under the radar. As you move into 2020, you should definitely know about them:
#1 - You can now allow multiple users to contribute to the same Facebook Story during an event.
This is exciting because it makes stories more interactive and provides more depth to your live event.
#2 - You can engage directly with your community with "Fan Reply Stickers" on your stories.
It's a fun and quick way to interact with your audience. You'll be amazed at what an impact this small gesture can make.
#3 - Facebook is adding new and innovative ways to make money.
You'll be able to sell branded content, merchandise, tickets, fan subscriptions, and more.

#4 - To protect users from abuse, Facebook is rolling out new features to ensure interactions are authentic and safe.
In the following paragraphs, we're going to dive into Facebook's changes on a deeper level, so keep reading if you'd like to learn more...
Reaching New Audiences
Facebook recently ran a test for a new feature that allows over 20 artists to contribute to the same story while at the music dance festival Tomorrowland.

Within the Tomorrowland story, fans were given the chance to discover new artists and see several different angles/views of the event. This gave a huge boost in viewership to each of the individual artists. The majority of those involved saw at least 90% of these new views were from people who were not yet following them. Over the next few months, Facebook is going to expand these collaborations to more public figures!
To help get discovered by new audiences, Facebook is also testing a feature that promotes public figures inside the News Feeds of those who may be interested. It’s a small test for now, but we are betting we will hear more about it as time goes on.
Tools for Community Engagement
As mentioned above, fan Reply Stickers are a recent addition to Facebook Stories. If you use a Page, you can create a CTA on your story, and prompt your followers to respond with a picture or a video.
These responses can be re-shared in your story to show the rest of your fans. So far the engagement has been great, as Page owners and their followers are having a lot of fun with the feature.
Better Ways to Earn Money and Grow Businesses
Facebook is a platform that offers many different paths to profitability. Some of the more well-known methods are videos with ad revenue, branded content, selling your merchandise or tickets, and fan subscriptions.
While these avenues cover a lot of bases, Facebook is expanding our options, making it even easier for fans to discover and buy products directly from public figures. The new ‘swipe-up’ addition to Facebook Stories is an easy way to show a product directly from your Story.
Facebook Stars were initially designed for gaming creators, but other users have seen the benefits as well. Basically, fans can send stars to their favorite creators. Think of it as a form of a tip. Fans tip out creators they follow, and in turn, creators can create rewards for users who have given the most stars.

Some public figures use it to raise money for a charity, others reward the highest tipper with a one-on-one tutorial or video session of some sort. Creativity is key here!
Safe and Authentic Interactions with Public Figures
Lastly, and arguably the most important, are the additions regarding safety. Facebook has been consulting safety experts to combat harassment. There is a new Help Center to educate people on how to spot and report suspicious accounts.
In addition to this, there are tools to help users distinguish fan accounts from an official account. This will help immensely with fraudulent activity. To accomplish this, they're using "proactive technology to find accounts that users might find unclear and adding temporary restrictions to such accounts."
And finally, they've also updated comment ranking on public posts to improve and promote the relevance and quality of Facebook conversations.
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