Facebook Lead Ad Changes and How it Affects You

Facebook, like all other social media platforms, is in a constant ebb and flow of change. We are always trying to keep you up to date on any addition that Facebook rolls out, but today, we are covering the removal of a feature. We used to be able to combine Lead Forms with Instant Experiences, but that is no longer the case as of a few weeks ago.
Today, we are going to cover what this all means, why it happened, and what you can do to adapt and overcome!
What all has changed?
For a while there, Facebook had a feature where you could create an Instant Experience form from a Lead Ad. That is no longer the case.
You can no longer create any Lead Ads for Reach, Traffic, or Brand Awareness objectives. From here on out, you can only create a lead ad using Lead Generation as your objective.
What does this mean?
If your ads use Lead Forms, you can only use Lead Generation as your objective. No other objectives are allowed. You can no longer link to a Lead Form from within your Instant Experience, or have your Lead Form embedded inside. If your campaigns do this, you can continue using them for now, but on December 13th, 2019 they came to a complete halt.
How does this affect your campaigns?
Facebook’s automatic optimization process will no longer consider any options other than Lead Generation for Lead Forms. Lead Generations is not always the main goal for an advertiser. Sometimes brand awareness or expanding your reach are your top priorities.
While you can still drive a creative message with videos or pictures, you can no longer optimize your Lead Forms to help with any other objectives besides Lead Generation.
Why Facebook made these changes...
Facebook has not directly come out to say why they made these changes, but we are guessing it was probably from the actions of a few advertisers.
Lead Forms can be very effective for getting as many signups as possible, and that could be the issue. Facebook is more actively looking to monitor who is gathering data. It is possible that they are forcing these new rules to make their monitoring process simpler. They no longer need to consider any other objectives when they review who is using Lead Forms, and why they are using them.
Alternative options
As of right now, Facebook has fully deprecated this feature. If you are using a Lead Form, you can only set your objective to Lead Generation if you are running any ads associated with this form. When you are selecting Lead Generation as your objective, the only option available is to optimize it for Leads.
Although you can no longer combine Instant Experiences with Lead Forms, there are still plenty of creative ways to make effective ads.
Maybe consider alternate avenues for your Lead Generating campaigns. Instagram is a great alternative to Facebook that we are seeing many new marketers have success with!
If you want more advanced, in-depth tips and methods from myself and other experts, join our premium group at www.joinadleaks.com.