Facebook Clicks: The Breakdown

There are multiple stats in your Facebook Ad Reports including a variety of click results. Our goal is to give you a clear understanding of the different Facebook clicks, what they mean and how they're useful to you. Use these tools to break down your campaign results and learn more about your audience, your sales, your reach, etc. Using this data, you can make informed decisions regarding your campaigns to improve the outcome moving forward.

Where To Find Them
You can see all this data by customizing your columns to show different data. As you may know, Facebook provides a ton of different metrics for your ads. Be sure to customize your columns to display data that is useful to you. Everyone prefers to see different metrics on their ad performance. But we feel that the click rates are definitely important.

Here is what you need to know regarding "click" metrics:
Clicks (All)
To start, this metric includes link clicks as well as clicks on other parts of your ad such as clicking on your Page's name or liking the post. The following may be included in this category:
- Link clicks
- Post likes, comments or shares
- Clicks to a Facebook Page or Instagram profile
- Clicks to expand a photo or video to full screen
Link Clicks
Next, we have link clicks. These are the number of clicks on links within the ad that led to a different destination. These destinations may be on or off Facebook. The following could be included:
- Websites
- App stores
- Click to call
- Click to message
- Facebook Canvas
- Lead forms
- Facebook Marketplace
- Playable experiences
- Maps/directions
- Videos that launch the Watch & Browse experience or videos hosted by another website
CPC (Cost Per Link Click)
CPC shows how much, on average, each link click costs you. Cost Per Click is a metric used in the industry to benchmark ad efficiency and performance.
- Total Amount Spent ➗ Link Clicks = CPC
Outbound Clicks
You guessed it. This is the number of clicks that took people to a website away from Facebook. They are different from link clicks because link clicks can also include people taken to websites within Facebook, so you may have a higher link click rate.
It includes clicks to:
- Websites
- Your app in an app store
- App deep links
Landing Page Views
This is where your Facebook Pixel comes into play. If you have a Pixel on your site, you'll have data from this metric. Keep in mind, this is the number of times people have successfully visited your website. If they click on your link and then immediately close the tab and it never loads, that is going to be considered an outbound link click.
Unique Clicks
Unique clicks are going to measure people who have clicked on your ad. For example, you may have 50 link clicks and only 40 unique link clicks. This is because one person may have clicked the link several times. The unique clicks will only include one per person.
There You Have It
Bookmark this for reference to look back on when customizing your columns and figuring out which metrics are going to be best for you. Do you watch your clicks? Which ones do you feel are the most important?
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