Facebook Ad Lingo 101

Lingo. Jargon. Slang. It shows you’re in the loop, with the times and it is actually really important so you know what people are talking about. When you work in a certain niche, such as Facebook advertising, there is a specific vocabulary that you should know. In a world of wanting things instantaneously, it provides a faster way to type, speak, or get your point across.

Facebook’s Help Center has a large glossary of terms that are used in the Facebook world. However, on different websites, groups, and blogs, you will come across terms that you will need to know in order to successfully understand what they’re talking about.
Examples Below:
For those of you that might be newer to Facebook Ads, here is a list of all the commonly used online advertising terms to help get you up to speed! Also, check out our article on getting started!
AOV: Average Order Value
ATC: Add To Cart
BOF: Bottom of Funnel
CA: Custom Audience
CBO: Campaign Budget Optimization
CLTV: Customer Lifetime Value
CPA: Cost per acquisition
CPC: Cost Per Click
CPE: Cost Per Engagement
CPM: Cost Per Thousand Impressions
CPP: Cost per purchase
CRO: Conversion rate optimization
CTR: Click Through Rate
CVR: Conversion rate
DPA: Dynamic Product Ads
DS: Downsell
IC: Initiate Checkout
LAL, LAA or LLA: Lookalike Audience
LP: Landing Page
LPV: Landing Page Views
LTV: Lifetime Value
MOF: Middle of Funnel
OCU: One click upsell
OTO: One-time offer
PPE: Page Post Engagement
ROAS: Revenue on ad spend
ROI: Return on Investment
RT: Retargeting
TOF: Top of Funnel
US: Upsell
VC: View Content
VV: Video Views
WC: Website Conversion
XS: Cross Sell
Don’t be intimidated or overwhelmed by Facebook ad terminology. As Facebook grows and develops, new terms are being introduced constantly. We recommend bookmarking this post so that you can always come back to look up a term if needed.
Did we forget any? Comment and let us know!
Happy Hunting!