PPartner Post

5 Benefits of Targeting Emerging Global Markets with TikTok Ads

Rohaan Khan at Orange Trail Media author profile image
emerging markets tiktok ads
emerging markets tiktok ads

TikTok is expanding advertiser access by unlocking emerging markets across the globe. 

In July and August, TikTok unlocked advertising in 16 new countries and territories that are now available to target in Ads Manager. 

These new markets include:  

  • Algeria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bulgaria
  • Bolivia
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Estonia
  • Kenya
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Paraguay
  • Puerto Rico
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Sri Lanka

Targeting emerging global markets on this platform can offer significant benefits for advertisers, including:

1. Expand Your Audience

TikTok has a massive user base that includes over one billion active monthly users worldwide, and those numbers are growing faster in markets that have recently gained access to the platform. 

Reaching these new audiences presents new opportunities for brands to grow and establish market share where the competition is less active.

2. Cost Effective Targeting

​​Advertising on TikTok can be more cost-effective compared to traditional advertising channels that are already saturated and competitive.

Advanced targeting options combined with creative and memorable ads built on high-quality content can reach a wider audience organically, reducing advertising costs and increasing opportunities for testing and growth.

3. Localization

Advertisers can leverage TikTok's understanding of local cultures and trends to create culturally relevant content that builds stronger connections with audiences in emerging markets.

These local considerations extend beyond language to include customs, traditions, influencers, and even humor styles to create genuine connections with prospects.

4. Rapid Optimization

TikTok provides advertisers with detailed analytics to track campaign performance, which can be used to improve results quickly and maximize ad spend.

5. Quick Scaling with Agency Support

As a TikTok Agency Partner, Orange Trail offers pre-vetted accounts that are ready to scale and dominate emerging geolocations before the competition even gets warmed up. 

Scaling quickly is easier with Orange Trail as an agency partner because our accounts ensure that marketers across diverse industries can operate without constraints and navigate advertising restrictions seamlessly. 

Partner with Orange Trail to target emerging TikTok markets with premium advertising solutions that include comprehensive infrastructure and compliance support. Connect with OrangeTrail here.

About Rohaan Khan

Rohaan Khan is the CEO & Founder of Orange Trail Media. Orange Trail offers “green status” advertising accounts, which have a lower risk of ban, unlimited spend limits, and direct-line access to all platforms. Orange Trail's whitelisted agency ad accounts can be set up in any timezone/location and offered in USD or EUR currency.
